
作者 信息

shine shen

星期一, 2020年 十二月 14日 10:30:50 am

发送短消息后,收到出错信息+CMS ERROR 514


a) 您设置的短消息中心的号码是错误的;

b) 短消息将要送达的目的号码是错误的;

c) 您发送的短消息被短消息中心拒绝(一般为目的号码不存在或目的号码被禁用)。

This error is sent by the network when the Service Center Address is wrong, or when the destination address is wrong. This error means that the SMS has been actually sent by the module (well formatted) but it has been refused by the network (the remote number is not a GSM one, the Service Center is wrong, the service is not available, DCS not supported ...) -> the customer should then check the information send in the SMS.

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