CMS Error 500

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shine shen

월요일, 년2020 12월 14요일 10:30:16 am

In some cases you may receive a CMS Error 500 error message from your modem. This error message indicates, that for some reason the modem was not able to deliver the message. This error can happen if:

The phone number you try to send your message to is invalid
There is no network coverage
You don't have enough money on a prepaid subscription
The short message service center of the GSM network operator is temporarily out of service
The GSM cell is overloaded





原因--最大可能是SIM卡欠费,有时日志中还会出现CMS error 0




3.以上方法都不可用时,进入超级终端,输入 AT+CFUN=0回车,设备回复OK再次输入 AT+CFUN=1回车,设备回复ok即可修复

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